Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey. Chalon kitchens
We were contacted by a client who was in the process of refurbishing their main home; being a very large property, the project had also been running for a long period of time and the end was in sight!
This was also the best time for us to begin our work. The client was looking for a minimalist look to the kitchen with a uniform colour throughout the units. Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey
We started by protecting all surfaces that were not being painted with thick lining paper. This not only protects the surfaces but also helps control any dust and allows the areas to be vacuumed. The kitchen was in good condition but still needed a good degrease! Once all the handles were removed the filling and also the sanding could begin! Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey
Painting System
Once all the preparation was completed, we applied an adhesion primer/undercoat to all prepared areas. The primer/undercoat is tinted to the same or as close to the final colour which furthermore gives a good sound and solid base. At this stage we run lighting over the units to highlight any imperfections which are then filled and also sanded, leaving a smooth, blemish free base for applying the following top coats. Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey
Sheen level
We offer our clients a 10% and 30% sheen level to achieve the look required, The 10% being a more traditional eggshell finish and the 30% more of a satin finish, which in contrast has more of a sheen. These particular clients wanted a low sheen level so 10% was the choice. The final coats were applied, handles replaced, protection removed and the kitchen cleaned. Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey
Chalon Kitchens
“The Chalon family founded the kitchen company we know today as an antique restoration business in 1978. In 1981, the business was moved to the Old Hambridge Mill, at Hambridge, in the midst of the Somerset Levels (in South West England). Michael and Rose Chalon began producing furniture designed to emulate the classic elegance of 18th and 19th Century English furniture. Their bold and open styling was alos complemented by a unique paint effect developed to provide a distressed finish as if each piece had naturally aged in an English country house.”
These kitchens are unquestionably beautiful. They also need a degree of care when working on them. Having worked at Mark Wilkinson for over 15 years has given a vast amount of experience when working on these truly magnificent projects.
If you would like to give your Chalon kitchen a new or a distressed look or just want to replicate the look of a Chalon kitchen, contact us at
What we need! Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey
- We need to see each run of cabinets to allow us to count up the doors, drawers and decor panels etc.
- A close up shot of any type of damage.
- Mention to us if you want to change handles.
- Let is know if you are considering new worktops.
- You can Whatsapp or email your images to us via the Contact page.
Kitchen cabinet painters Surrey